30 years, give or take, of slinging dice, taking to-hits, running games, warping minds and having fun while searching for that elusive thac0. She's the GM's wife. He's the GM, the G.O.D. the DM, the mind warper, the purveyor of alternate realities. With 3 kids, game time's been reduced.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The school supply list

Our middle child had an interesting item on her school supply list for kindergarten.

A pair of dice

A pair of dice. We puzzled over this question for a few days. Did the teacher mean a pair of dice with dots? Couldn't be that simple, could it?

Excursion time. Where else to go but to our friendly gaming shop, Imperial Hobbies.

Once there, our mini horde ran around the shop, GM was in his element and the drool factor kicked in. "Ooo, hunny, new Deadlands!" GM shouted out. I shook my head, ignoring the comics, books, ccgs, figs, brushes and paints while I corralled our kindergarten kid and brought her to the dice display. I had shown the staff her school supply list and they were more than willing to help me and they too were puzzled. Did the teacher mean d4s? d6s? d8s? d10s? d12s? d20s? d30s? d100? Percentiles? Ones shaped like crystals or "viking" dice that would roll forever? How about chaos dice? Direction dice? Events dice? Our kindergarten kid finally picked out her first set of polyhedrals pointing to a nice pinky set, because, of course, she's a girl and girls have to have pink. *maternal eyeroll*

We picked out a second d20 for her and bought her treasure. She had to have her own bag to carry her dice home in. Can you say "sibling jealousy?" I knew you could. Various cries of "where's mine" from both our preschooler and grade 2 kid made the trip home that much more treacherous. I need to find the stuffed dice we have for the preschooler - but that's another post. The 2nd grader will get his own, in time. I, too, managed to get out of there with a new d20 which has since dissapeared. GM went back in and splurged on a model rocket - yet another post.

Once at home, we went through the several pounds o' dice that GM has and added to her set so that she would have two of each type and a set of d6 with dots.

School started this week and she brought her dice with her. The teacher commented on the dice. "I meant just 'normal' dice like these" she said while pointing at the pile of giant d6s with dots in the basket tucked in the corner, "but those are good for more advance math."

"Did you want us to bring in a d30?" I chirped, "or how about a d100? We can get our hands on that too, but it'll take a week or more."

"They make those?"

I went on to describe some other dice types as I watched her eyes glaze over. She shook her head and looked at us, "maybe later in the year..."

Our kindergarten kid still has her dice tucked in her backpack, unlike her other supplies. I think the teacher's afraid of them for some reason. I don't really understand why... they're just dice.

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