30 years, give or take, of slinging dice, taking to-hits, running games, warping minds and having fun while searching for that elusive thac0. She's the GM's wife. He's the GM, the G.O.D. the DM, the mind warper, the purveyor of alternate realities. With 3 kids, game time's been reduced.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pillowy Soft my @55 (pt 2)

The dice dropped and the game was on. My sorceress cast a spell. The rogue stealth checked a door. The tank put his armor on. The other mage (yes, roomie is a g.uy i.n r.eal l.ife and always plays a spell casting female human) screwed up on a spell and the other two set up to do their things when I saw it.

It being the changed expression on GM's face.

It being the bead of sweat on his forehead, slinking down the side of his face.

When IT happened.

He vaulted from the table and ran to the bathroom. *SLAM*

The other players and I looked at each other. Giggles erupted, but, as a group, we regained our composure. I went back to painting figs, Mono trying to distract me with his latest high jinks, and the rest of the group just waited.

GM returned. His face an interesting shade of crimson. I handed him the books he had dropped and we continued on.

For fifteen minutes.

He vaulted away again. *SLAM*

This scene repeated itself twice more, each time, we waited for his return.

Finally, GM swore, and grabbed a tray to take with him into the bathroom. There, he ran the game from behind closed doors on the porcelain throne. We could hear dice rolling. The evils we were attacking died. We smiled, laughed until we heard the cry...

"Pillowy Soft My @55!"

And thus ended the gaming session.

His test results turned out fine.

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